сряда, април 23, 2014

MS Security Essential on Windows Server 2008/2011/2012

Цената явно винаги има значение... Microsoft Security Essentials при опит да се инсталира на Windows Server 2012 (2011 в моят случай - Operating System: Windows® Small Business Server 2011 Standard 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533)) умира със съобщение за грешка : "MSE cannot be installed on your operating system"

1. download to temp location desired version/language/etc from http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/security-essentials-all-versions
2. Right click on mseinstall.exe -> Properties -> Compatibility -> check Run This program in compatibility mode for: Windows 7 [not really needed but ... just for sure]
3. Run CDM as Administrator and "cd to_temp_location_where_mseinstall_was_downloaded"
4. Into that cmd window run: mseintall /disableoslimit
5. Voila - we have a free AV on our MS Server (clamwin is an alternative option but I want to keep consistency in current IT environment)

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