неделя, октомври 14, 2012

Redmine integration with MS AD

What we've done at this point:
  • A running Redmine v2.1.2 installation using Apache Passenger
  • Working authentication with Redmine's built-in database

Authentication against Active Directory

Redmine web interface - Administration - LDAP-Authentication - + New authentication mode
  • Name: informational parameter (enter something descriptive)
  • Host: IP address or FQDN of a domain controler
  • Port: 389
  • Account: DN of the user that can authenticate against the Active Directory e.g binding user. Recommendations are to create a dedicated user account with no special permissions (simple Domain User) except login into domain
domain: company.ltd
user: redmine.ldap
OU: Domain Users
Entered account should be: CN=redmine.ldap, OU=Domain Users, DC=company, DC=ltd
(Sysinternals ADExplorer is a perfect tool to find distinguished names)

  • Base DN: Start point where Redmine tries to find users. In this case - users under OU Domain Users will be checked. 
  • LDAP Filter: Valid filter for finding users. Example: (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)).
  • member name: sAMAccountName
  • first name: givenname
  • surname: sn
  • E-Mail: mail
Probably this mean: User can use any valid of above listed attributes to fill Log-in form and authenticate himself with MS AD password but not checked by me (I've checked only member name)

If we have redmine-local-users and their user-names match these from MS AD, local users has precedence
For example: if we have Redmine local user: red.u with password: red.u and MS AD user: red.u with password: ms.red.u and we trying to log-in into Redmine WEB interface with red.u/ms.red.u we'll receive "Wrong username or password".
To fix this we can :
1. delete local user (and loose all issues,pages,posts,etc created by him )
2. Under Administration-Users-(select needed user)-Authentication method --> descriptive NAME entered above

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