понеделник, декември 07, 2009


Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP), which is defined in RFC 1350 (obsoletes RFC 783). Its name says it all; it is trivial in comparison with its more robust relative, FTP. Its trivial nature can be seen in the following limitations:
  • Runs on top of UDP (port 69), unlike FTP
  • Provides no user authentication
  • Cannot list directories
  • Limited header
 TFTP uses a 2-byte op-code header that follows immediately after the IP and UDP headers. 

Figure 4.


There are five types of operational codes:
  • RRQ Read Request
  • WRQ Write Request
  • DATA
  • ACK Acknowledgement
If an error occurs, there will also be an error number given. There are three bits reserved for error codes, giving values 0 - 7.
0 - Not defined
1 - File not found
2 - Access violation
3 - Disk full
4 - Illegal operation
5 - Unknown transfer id
6 - File already exists
7 - No such user

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