вторник, декември 29, 2015

Junos route policy

Note: When you specify an action that manipulates the route characteristics, the changes occur in a copy of the source route. The source route itself does not change. The effect of the action is visible only after the route is imported into or exported from the routing table. To view the source route before the routing policy has been applied, use the show route receive-protocol command. To view a route after an export policy has been applied, use the show route advertised-protocol command.


вторник, декември 22, 2015

Junos alternative show ip cef

Cisco style:
r3#sh ip cef
  nexthop GigabitEthernet0/1.43

Junos style:
eol@R2> show route forwarding-table detail matching
Routing table: default.inet
Destination        Type RtRef   Next hop         Type    Index     NhRef           Netif        user     0            ucst     542         4               ge-0/0/0.0

вторник, ноември 10, 2015

Hacker-ско NTP

date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 google.com 2 >&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"

Помага и при рестриктивни FW които блокират outgoing UDP/123

вторник, септември 15, 2015

Cisco ZBFW (cisco 2921) and NAT Port-Forward

Requirement:  NAT based Port-Forwarding through configured Zone-Based Firewall

The Most Important Thing :
Match and allow specific traffic (e.g. from and to "DMZ" ) for booth flows (INTERNET-> INSIDE and INSIDE->INTERNET) is MUST!
For more readable config and for counting purposes I've use separate class-maps

 class-map type inspect match-all CM-INSIDE-INTERNET
  match access-group name ACL-INSIDE-INTERNET

 class-map type inspect match-all CM-INTERNET-INSIDE
  match access-group name ACL-INTERNET-INSIDE

 policy-map type inspect PM-INSIDE-INTERNET
class type inspect CM-OLD-RULES
class type inspect CM-INSIDE-INTERNET
 Class class-default

 policy-map type inspect PM-INTERNET-INSIDE
class type inspect CM-OLD-RULES
  class type inspect CM-INTERNET-INSIDE
   Class class-default

 ip nat inside source static tcp PRI.VA.TE.IP 80 P.UB.LIC.IP 80 extendable

 ip access-list extended ACL-INSIDE-INTERNET
  permit tcp host PRI.VA.TE.IP eq www any

 ip access-list extended ACL-INTERNET-INSIDE
  permit tcp any host PRI.VA.TE.IP eq www


четвъртък, септември 10, 2015

Juniper SSG as a BGP speaker

First at all - it;s a real time OS - changes are applied immediately (sometimes :))
set neighbor remote-as 2222 local-ip outgoing-interface ethernet0/3
set neighbor enable
set ipv4 neighbor activate
set ipv4 neighbor advertise-def-route            #To advertise the default route.
set ipv4 neighbor route-map "advertise-out" out  # Route map applied to the neighbor.
set ipv4 neighbor route-map "receive-in" in
set ipv4 network
set ipv4 network no-check                # Routes advertised to other peers.
set ipv4 network                         # Routes advertised to other peers.
### By default, the route will only be advertised to the other BGP peers when the network is reachable (either via a static route or via IGP). 
### You can turn off this by adding the no-check attribute to the network that needs to be advertised

set access-list 10                                           # ACL to block the routes for single peer.
set access-list 10 deny ip 10                   # Deny = subnets  not to be advertised. Permit = subnets allowed to be advertised.
set access-list 10 permit ip 20                    # N.B. There is a significant difference between and which means
set access-list 110                                           # In this case we'll advertise to only and
set access-list 110 permit ip 10                # but not
set access-list 110 permit ip 20                   
set route-map name "advertise-out" permit 10
set match ip 10
set route-map name "receive-in" permit 10
set match ip 110

save config

Some usable commands: 

Show routing table:
get routes
get vr trust-vr route

BGP peers and their states
get vrouter trust-vr proto bgp neighbor

Detailed info about BGP peer:
get vrouter trust-vr proto bgp neighbor

Learned routes from BGP peers
get vr trust-vr protocol bgp rib-in

BGP config for particular virtual router
get vr trust-vr proto bgp config

Next commands can't be accessed via auto-completion (TAB or SPACE) they should be written or copy/pasted as is
debug bgp all (debug bgp ?)
debug tcp all
debug flow basic
Read debug output:
get dbuf stream
Clear debug log/info file:
clear dbuf

Sometime's life-saving

unset vrouter trust-vr proto bgp synchronization
set vrouter trust-vr proto bgp enable

exec vrouter trust-vr proto bgp neighbor disconnect
exec vrouter trust-vr proto bgp neighbor connect

BGP soft-clear
clear vrouter trust-vr protocol bgp neighbor soft-in
clear vrouter trust-vr protocol bgp neighbor soft-out

понеделник, август 03, 2015

Windows 8.1 MS Active Directory Biometric logon

After joining computer to MS Active Directory Domain, when trying to log-in with properly configured and rolled-out fingerprints I receive a error message:
  • You can't sign in to a domain account using a fingerprint on this PC. Contact you system administrator
1. Remove any fingerprints
2. Win+X -> command promt (admin)
3. admin_cmd -> GPEDIT.msc-> Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->Biometrics -> “Allow Domain users to log on using biometrics” = enabled (setting by default = disabled)
4. gpupdate -f
5. Swipe fingers again
6. Reboot

четвъртък, юли 30, 2015

Juniper EX4200

From EX4200 datasheet

Packet Switching Capacities
• 48P/48T: 136 Gbps
• 24F: 88 Gbps
• 24P/24T: 88 Gbps
Aggregate Switch Capacities
• 24P/24T/24F: 216 Gbps
• 48P/48T: 264 Gbps

 The difference between the switching capacity and throughput is what they are measured in -> the capacity is in Gbps (gigabits per second) whereas the throughput is in Mpps (Megapackets per second).

48 x 1 Gbps -- 48 Gbps (48 x 1 Gbps ports) 2 x 10 Gbps -- + 20 Gbps (2 x 10 Gbps ports) --------- = 68 Gbps (total switching half duplex) x 2 (because switches are full duplex) --------- = 136 Gbps (total revenue switching capacity) + 128 Gbps (backplane bandwidth for VC) ---------- = 264 Gbps Total "switching" capacity per switch