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Universal answer 2
When engineering arrives
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How I picture myself at my next job interview
понеделник, февруари 25, 2013
събота, февруари 23, 2013
FTP access-2
Като алтернативно решение на това
Изискванията са същите :
1.Admin has full access in the relevant section(s) - means read/write/rename/move/delete/overwrite
2.Guest access means read only
3.User access means read/write only (write means NOT overwrite)
И без това предният път с pure-ftpd явно нещо грешно съм описал та не можех да го възпроизведа отново затова новият solution е на базата на proftpd (10х бат Ицо)
Ограниченията ca user <-> command->
Основният списък с командите : RawFTP
Пълен такъв: RFC 959 - баси протокол на 28 години (от 1985-та) и user-ите още си го искат/търсят
Изискванията са същите :
1.Admin has full access in the relevant section(s) - means read/write/rename/move/delete/overwrite
2.Guest access means read only
3.User access means read/write only (write means NOT overwrite)
И без това предният път с pure-ftpd явно нещо грешно съм описал та не можех да го възпроизведа отново затова новият solution е на базата на proftpd (10х бат Ицо)
Ограниченията ca user <-> command->
Основният списък с командите : RawFTP
Пълен такъв: RFC 959 - баси протокол на 28 години (от 1985-та) и user-ите още си го искат/търсят
- mkdir /home/ftp
- chmod -R 777 /home/ftp
- useradd ftp_admin ; passwd ftp_admin ; useradd upload ; passwd upload ; useradd guest ; passwd guest
- apt-get install proftpd-basic
- cat /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
ModulePath /usr/lib/proftpd
LoadModule mod_ctrls_admin.c
#LoadModule mod_tls.c
LoadModule mod_radius.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_file.c
LoadModule mod_quotatab_radius.c
LoadModule mod_wrap.c
LoadModule mod_rewrite.c
LoadModule mod_load.c
LoadModule mod_ban.c
LoadModule mod_wrap2.c
LoadModule mod_wrap2_file.c
LoadModule mod_dynmasq.c
LoadModule mod_exec.c
LoadModule mod_shaper.c
LoadModule mod_ratio.c
LoadModule mod_site_misc.c
LoadModule mod_facl.c
LoadModule mod_unique_id.c
ServerType standalone
DefaultServer on
Umask 022
ServerName ""
ServerIdent on "DMT FTP Server"
ServerAdmin sysadmin@playbox.tv
IdentLookups off
UseReverseDNS off
Port 21
PassivePorts 49152 65534
#MasqueradeAddress None
TimesGMT off
MaxInstances 30
MaxLoginAttempts 3
TimeoutLogin 300
TimeoutNoTransfer 120
TimeoutIdle 120
DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .message
User nobody
Group nogroup
DirFakeUser off nobody
DirFakeGroup off nogroup
DefaultTransferMode binary
AllowForeignAddress off
AllowRetrieveRestart on
AllowStoreRestart on
DeleteAbortedStores off
#TransferRate RETR 220
#TransferRate STOR 250
#TransferRate STOU 250
#TransferRate APPE 250
SystemLog /var/log/proftpd/system.log
# Log file/dir access
ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/access_log WRITE,READ
# Record all logins
ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/auth_log AUTH
# Paranoia logging level....
ExtendedLog /var/log/proftpd/paranoid_log ALL
RequireValidShell off
Ratios off
SaveRatios off
RatioFile "/restricted/proftpd_ratios"
RatioTempFile "/restricted/proftpd_ratios_temp"
CwdRatioMsg "Please upload first!"
FileRatioErrMsg "FileRatio limit exceeded, upload something first..."
ByteRatioErrMsg "ByteRatio limit exceeded, upload something first..."
LeechRatioMsg "Your ratio is unlimited."
AllowUser guest
AllowUser uploader
AllowUser ftp_admin
User guest
Group guest
AnonRequirePassword on
MaxClients 20 "The server is full, hosting %m users"
DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .msg
Allow from All
Deny from all
AllowOverwrite off
User uploader
Group uploader
AnonRequirePassword on
MaxClients 20 "The server is full, hosting %m users"
DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .msg
Allow from All
Deny from all
AllowOverwrite off
User ftp_admin
Group ftp_admin
AnonRequirePassword on
MaxClients 10 "The server is full, hosting %m users"
DisplayLogin welcome.msg
DisplayChdir .msg
Allow from All
Deny from all
AllowOverwrite on
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